Taking a Moment to Give Thanks

Last Update: March 07, 2010

I have been moving at what seems like warp speed the last 5 months of my life.  Campaigns, products, putting fires out, etc.  It's really been a blur to be honest with you.  

I'm lucky if I can remember to tie my shoe!!

It's been a crazy ride.  I just can't believe it's been five months already.  I always know when my anniversary is because I get that friendly reminder from PayPal about my dues!  ;)

But five months?  That is an eternity for me!  I get bored with things really easy and just quit.  Not here though, not this time.  Not with the WA

 And why do you suppose that is?

I can tell you what I know it is NOT -

-  it is NOT the money

-  it is NOT the successes

- it is NOT Site Rubix or the Keyword Tool

It is the community here!

When I am down, I come here for support.

When I am up, I come here to celebrate.

When I want to help, I come here to assist where I can.

When I'm bored, I come here looking for new ways of thinking.

I can't even begin to tell you the overwhelming support that I have received from just about everyone here.  A few names that come to mind -

-  Jennifer (PotPie Girl)

-  Joe (JDPacero)

-  Ian (IDM)

-  Jay (magicstudios)

-  Alex (MoHawX)

-  Joan (jatdebeaune)

-  Pete (slugger_mn)  

-  And naturally Kyle and Carson

Golly there is SO MANY OTHER PEOPLE TOO!!!  Everyone that has reached out to me to offer support, guidance, or just a kick in the backside, I want to say thank you!

Could you imagine having to do this on your own?  I mean without having any guidance or support?  Gosh, this can be a VERY frustrating career and I don't think that it would be possible without the WA.

So again, to everyone out there, please accept this as a formal -


Keep doing what you're doing - talking to people, motivating, inspiring, assisting, etc.  You never know when something you say will ring true with someone else. 

You, yes YOU may be the reason they start to succeed with their campaign or their list, or the reason why they stick around a little bit longer.

I just wanted to slow down for a minute and remember those that have helped me along the way.

Thanks for reading and HAPPY MONDAY!



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