The Roller Coaster Effect

Last Update: December 06, 2009

How many of you have been on a roller coaster?  I know I have. 

You feel safe when your riding in a straight line a reasonable speed.  Then you start climbing up and your heart rate starts racing.  Then comes the drop and you think you're going to die!  After the drop you probably do a couple of loops or something.  Your heart is about to blow up!  Then it comes to a stop and your back to normal.

How many times have you been on a roller coaster and said that you HAD to go on it again...and again...and again.  What happens that fifth time you go on it?  You start to become comfortable with it.  It's not scary anymore.  You know what's coming next and how to deal with it.

This is where I am at right now.  I was feeling good about my progress and then my sales just stopped.  Google pissed me off and I'm thinking I'm doing this all wrong!  "What in the world am I trying to here?" I asked myself.  I'm not cut out for this.  I can't handle the ups and downs.

Then I think that I'm paying $40 a month to lose.  What the hell am I doing, right?  I MUST BE CRAZY!


I'm learning.  I'm at the bottom of that first drop and am still learning how to deal with this crazy ride.  I am completely used to riding straight and going up that hill.  Now I just need to get used to riding the loops and drops.  In time, I'll get used to it.

It's a long ride - just about a lifetime long!  I am confident that so long as I keep my nose to the grindstone that I will rebound and start moving straight again.

Hang in their folks!  We all are going through it.  Eventually we'll become numb to the ride and it won't matter!  Just hang on to your lunch and you'll be just fine!

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jatdebeaune Premium
Wow! What a perfect description of how it feels. Great analogy! I imagine that the more plates you have spinning, the less acute will be the pain of the dips. My former career was very unpredictable too. You get savvy after a while, and know how to handle the rough ride.