Today is a Special Day For Me - A Reflection

Last Update: February 10, 2010

Today is a VERY special day for me.  When I started here in October of last year, I didn't know what to expect.  I knew OF internet marketing and I was REALLY good at losing out on Pay-Per-Click.  I didn't know though how to really market properly.  I didn't know about articles, Squidoo Lenses, indexing, etc.  So basically I knew that people spent a ton of money online, I just didn't know how to reach them.

My blog is pretty transparent with both my struggles and my successes.  I, like most others, had my share of moments wondering this - "What in the heck am I doing here??"  I mean I work in the transportation industry - how in the world can I succeed at internet marketing?  Well, I think I'm starting to get the hang of this thing!

I posted last month that I had finally achieved a couple of my goals in making $100 in a day as well as having multiple sales in one day.  I thought for sure that was the pinnacle of my success!  And I was sure that was true...until today.

Most of you know that Pete (slugger_mn) and I have been working for the last five weeks or so on our own product.  Let me tell you - IT WAS SO MUCH HARDER THAN I EVER COULD BEGIN TO IMAGINE!!!  We were talking yesterday and we figured we probably have more than 200 hours into this product.

Now this is not a bad thing at all.  There was just a LARGE learning curve that we had to overcome.  Every time we get over a hurdle, another one came up.  It was frustrating, but at the same time, it was BY FAR one of the most rewarding things that I have EVER done!  I am know just that much more closer to achieving my goals.

Well today, we "officially" launched our product -

The Evolution of a Sale!

There is hours of video on there and just overall, a TON of information.  To see that product finally up and running is truly a special moment in not only my internet marketing career, but in my LIFE!  It really is a special day for me (and I would imagine for Pete as well)!

Of course there are little things that we are tweaking as go along, but it really is something amazing.  I couldn't even SPELL HTML when I started here!!  Now I have my own site??  ARE YOU JOKING ME??

Anyhow, I don't mean to come off as a bragger or anything like that, but I really did want to share this with everyone.  I guess more so it should be an inspiration to those that are maybe struggling -

This can be done IF and only IF you work it.  And I mean WORK IT!  It takes time, but it can be done.  I promise you that!

So if you want to, I invite you to take a look at Mike and Pete's new website -

The Evolution of a Sale!

For those of you that have always supported me, I cannot thank you enough. Your kind words have really kept me going!  Thanks again!



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Alex Copeland Premium
Nice one my man. Good job. I'm sure the info in there is well worth the time you have spent on it and wish you all the best with it. If you want a testimonial for the site then I would be happy to take a look for you and give a straight and honest one, just let me know. Anyways, best of luck with it, may even have a go at promoting it for you - are you setting up an affiliate program?