How To Make Progress At WAU

Last Update: August 04, 2012
When we are new to Wealthy Affiliate University it can be overwhelming, but we already knew that:)

What can help?

Of course, there is the "Your First 10 Days" program designed for a new member of WA by Kyle and Carson. The ideal thing is to get started going through that step by step from day one.

There is the 30 day success course too, also designed to get us building a business, foundations upward.

If you're like me you might find it a bit difficult to stay that focused on a step by step program day after day. Maybe it's a routine to aim at and keep coming back to over time. It's just my make-up that I find it difficult to keep that routine up even though I know I really should and it would be the best thing for me in terms of leading me to success, including financial success. I also have certain health limitations too which make sticking to routines difficult. I find a little bit more of a "fly by the seat of my pants" approach more sustainable but that has its hazards. Maybe you can relate a bit to what I'm saying.

So this leads me to the main point of this discussion.

The structure of the WA system is extremely well thought out, designed and built and continues to be fine tuned by lateral thinking people with vision. In a way we can do the "fly by our pants" thing but do it with structure and keep focused. How cool!

Lets really take notice of this structure and use it according to what it was designed to accomplish. For example, largely to build our own network and while building, learn along the way about everything to do with building websites that will get seen by folk who really have a keen interest in seeing our website and what we have to offer.

An Approach Or Method To Try If You're Having Difficulty Getting Started.

Have you noticed how you can get emails coming regularly that inform you of the latest activity within you WA network? Do you try to open each one and then click the link that takes you to that page within your network? If you do then you will have noticed how valuable this feature is.

If you did nothing else but respond to every email you get from WAU, letting it guide you back to your WA network, reading and sharing what you've read, making a reply comment to the author of what you've read. Then, while you're there look for another member to follow, what would be the result and benefit to you and your network? Two words come to my mind:

Connection & Growth (you can no doubt think of more great benefits)

Here's one benefit that I just received from doing the above. This is a small little thing... or is it?

I found this blog written by Leesworld on January 14 2012. Title: How To Optimize Your Blog Post.

I read it through, really why wouldn't I as that is such a relevant subject as I'm currently trying to build a website and write a blog that I want people to see. I found it simple and informative which is just what I need being a new member with some health issues that limit me and who finds all this a bit overwhelming:)

I found this one little paragraph that says this:

"6. Include Keyword in your Meta Description tags: Using keywords in your meta description tags does not help you rankhigher. However, when you include them, when people search on Google for a specific keyword, your keyword is bold in the search engines results.So, while it may not help you rank higher, it will encourage people toclick on your search results." (Italics & bold mine)

I've been struggling to understand what the heck these things called "meta description tags" are and what they exist for. Well, now I know a bit more about them and it's important. If I can have something about my site come up in bold type....well how much more so do I stand a better chance of getting a visitor to my site that I might not have otherwise got.... and maybe that visitor is the one that will spend their money and I get a commission.... and.... then that person might become a regular visitor to my site and a regular buyer:)

See, through the process of simply being a responsive WA member, using the structure of the system I have picked up a little but very valuable piece of information that I'll remember for the rest of my life.....and ....... this same outcome happens each and every day as long as I keep being a responsive member of this community. I also added a new member to my network along the way:)

Here's the link to Leesworld's blog:

If you're reading this you stayed with me. Thanks.

Rob G & The Splashducks:)


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Renni Premium
Great article, Rob! and you are so right. If you lose some momentum for whatever reason, you can still be learning the how-tos of it all and adding small touches to your blogs that make a big difference. It's nice to know you! :)
splashduck Premium
Thanks Renni, appreciate you stopping by and your comments too:)