Second Article 4 hours old, page 20 Google

Last Update: August 13, 2012
I'm trying to keep up with the 30 articles in 30 days at Street Articles. Submitted my second article, this time finding a new item on Google News that related to my niche, drawing, mmmmm.

I chose the news about Gotye releasing his own mash-up of cover versions of his song Somebody That I Used To Know on Youtube yesterday. It's all about triangles, watch the original video and you'll see what mean:)

Key word phrase is "Gotye somebody that i used to know youtube cover." 5 hours old and on page 20 as at 10:15 am Perth time.

If it doesn't get to page one that's fine. I really enjoyed doing it and it made me draw a picture using triangles which I'd been wanting to do for quite a while anyway:) Also I learned quite a bit about looking at news items and thinking about how to use that avenue to find keywords and write something about. Really interesting. I like the in the moment thing about that and wonder if such an article if written well could become like a well aged wine. I wondered too about preempting a keyword phrase that people will use in the future to find that news item, interesting.
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Goldenlady Premium
Thanks for the information.
Goldenlady Premium
Hi splashduck,
How did you find out which page in Google your article was on?
splashduck Premium
Hi Goldenlady, I started by searching using my key word phrase which took me to page one and I saw It wasn't there so I just looked through every page until I found it. Last time I checked about half an hour ago it was advanced to page 12. Rob G:)
stadium Premium
If you use Google chrome, in the chrome web store search for the add-on seo serp and this will let you check where you are for different kw
stadium Premium
"Gotye somebody that i used to know youtube cover and Gotye Somebody That I Used To Know I had a look at your article you mention this kw phrase exactly once in your article. At the very end of the first paragraph. You may want to experiment with how early you use the kw phrase, bolding, Italicize, also maybe also use it 1 or 2 more times in the body. But then again you might get a lot of visitors i think it is a good article. Also when you do link it to an outside site (yours) Link the kw but I think the SA rules is link can only be 5 words long. And did you backlink it anywhere, like a comment left on a related article or G+ it?
splashduck Premium
Hi stadium, thanks for that. Could I go and edit the first paragraph and put the keyword closer to the start of the paragraph or would that mess with things and affect the ranking. It's on page 12 now.
stadium Premium
Well if its moving up that's great, just gave you some ideas to try in the future. I not sure you you can do that or not. I 'd let this one go and see where it ends up and remember the things you did and some of the new things you can try next time and compare what works the best. Also keep good to compare external influences like kw competition.