What Did I learn Today?

Last Update: August 10, 2012
Today I printed the article Case Study: Organic Milk, Google, 19 minutes. Then sat in my chair away from the computer and just read through it thoroughly. It's about "low hanging fruit", what that is and how to access that "fruit" and turn it into something valuable.

Here's the link - http://goo.gl/eyoqo

I recommend it to all newbies as it takes you through the process of getting the right keyword phrase with the all important "low competition" step by step. Then Kyle explains his process of writing an article. One of the surprising things for me was Kyle's view of the traffic aspect to keyword research. As long as there is "some traffic" then he will be happy as long as there is low competition, Low competition, that's the main focus first up.

I also learned that the WA keyword tool is basically giving the same results as Jaaxy. In my opinion though Jaaxy serves up the data in a more user friendly, perhaps easier to comprehend for the beginner.

There's no substitute for taking the necessary time to go through these training resources. They clear up issues that hinder progress.

My ducks are happily being noisy today and exploring a new area up the back of our block where they haven't been before. I might have to stop that activity soon as they'll start hiding their eggs from me up there. For now I'm letting have some fun. I love me ducks:)

Rob G:)

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mama2karsten Premium
Nice! Enjoy the fruit and the ducks.