My Music & Art

Last Update: July 20, 2012
I'd just like to share a link with you that takes you to my Reverb Nation site where I have some of my music uploaded.

I started playing the drums when I was 14 years old, that was in 1977:) I've always loved music and discovering new music and also creating original music. It's really exiting and rewarding. When I play the drums on my own, like when practicing or just playing for fun, I always imagine music in my head. I like to try to express those ideas via my accoustica digital music studio.

I've really only just begun on this path of composing my own music and have a lot to learn. Still, I've managed to put together some reasonably well produced instrumental music and I'd love it if you could take a mo to visit my site and have a listen. Maybe you could have it playing for a while as you do your other IM stuff:)

I've taught drums for years and I'm available anytime if you have an interest in the drums to answer any questions and help you in any way I can if you want to learn to play or are currently learning. Email me at

Please visit my site here and let me know you visited:) -
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sundcarrie Premium
Love it, music and urban farming what a great combination.
Shawn Martin Premium