All work

Last Update: September 22, 2010

Well today has been a productive day.

Except my struggling with my wordpress that wont upload plugins or themes, so i am stuck and can not make it  look better atm.

So instead of spending more hours trying to solve it, i focused on finishing my first article and set it up at squidoo. Then reading several guides about optimizing squidoo so fixed some modules, fixed my profile and joined several directories for squidoo that will promote my lens. 

I also managed to set up a review page on my website and add a affiliate link. 

Now it is very important that i can get my wordpress to work so i can make it look better and more inviting. 

Tomorrow  i plan to write my second review and add more affiliate links, and write another article for squidoo and also polisgh my site of course...


Been working 12 hours two days in a row now and my head hurts a lot.....

Atleast i am ranked at squidoo now at 120162 overall...... Something to work with.

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Stavfel Premium
Thanks jatdebeaune, it is a lot of fun. I am told he looks a lot like i did as a baby. Makes me feel good and inspire me to do great things.
jatdebeaune Premium
Great progress Stavfel. Congratulations! I love the picture of your baby.