Child of the night

Last Update: October 18, 2010

It has been a week or two now... I can't remember. That i have been up all nights guarding my son, since we learning him to sleep all night, so using a method we read about.

You tuck him in and say goodnight and kiss his head then leave the room and let him fall to sleep by himself. If he starts crying you go before he works  himself up and do the same routine again. If he keeps on crying, you wait 5 minutes and then go in and do the routine again.

This actually works as long as he has dry diapers with no poop in or if he is well fed. These last nights has been good and i decided to go to bed and sleep this night, but he had other plans and kind of exploded in his diaper and shit all over himself, so got a big mess and he was happy and not tired at all after that. So been feeding him again and putting him to bed 2 hours after.

So now i can finally relax... And now my internet connection is messy and disconnects and connect every 10 mins or so... So i discovered that  my windows 7 isn't genuine.... Well i am just like most people who use cracked versions so now it isn't working again and i think i remember reading that this is how it works after a while if you don't make it genuine

Today i also found out my uneployment salary is only half of what i thought... So this mean i have to find a crap job to pay the bills since i haven't got this to work yet. Meaning i have even less time to work on my IM... SIGH!

Makes me wish i could just stop sleeping forever and live like a vampire in a closed room with no sun.... Work around the clock with no sleep so i can get things done..




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Labman_1 Premium
Years ago I had a boss that said he would sleep when he was dead. Guess he gets to sleep now cause he cashed out of the company and retired. Hope he's not dead. Balancing child rearing and a job is hard at most times. Starting up an Internet business and raising kids is a tough endeavor Do the best you can but keep in mind that if you overdo it and loose your health nothing good will come from it.
NEA03 Premium
Same here, I wish I didn't have to sleep. I even took a couple of caffeine pills the other night to stay up another hour or two but they kept me up waaaaaaaaay too long! lol Oh and I hate those poop explosions! -Irma
Stavfel Premium
Yeah i might have to soon :-)
jatdebeaune Premium
If you sleep like a vampire Stavfel, you'll have to sleep upside down in your closet.