The race is on

Last Update: September 28, 2010

Alright so it is up and running with links, pictures and everything. I thought for a moment that i could sit back a bit and relax, but i guess now is when i start writing articles, optimizing my text for seo, Polishing my website even more. Start sistersites to link to my website and to my squidoolens....

 Now if i only could get that cool theme "deep blue" to work properly. Lots of glitches in it and no updates yet since it is brand new.

I must say i am quite satisfied with my work so far..... Nah that is a lie. I wont be satisfied until i wake up one day and find couple of bucks on my account... Nope not even then...

Then i have to start mass produce what ever i am doing right. Thats when the real work starts...

I guess i am one of those that never stops and never can sit back cause there is always something more to do. And nothing is perfect. However i have to learn to slow down and don't expect to much from myself, that is what my friends try to tell me.. ? Why should i? If i don't expect much from myself i wont get much in return....

But there is a limit, it is when i start to skip small things that i usually do, that is a clear sign that i am pushing it and need to shut down soon. Then comes the grumpy, no good and really silly me that starts to see flaws in everythingand just don't wanna give a damn anymore, and nothing is fun.

To avoid that stage i have some rules..

1: Eat when i am hungry

2: Sleep or take a break when i get to tired to do those small things i usually do.

3: Stop doing 10 things at same time, focus on one!!!!

4: Make sure i am good with my GF and my son... or there will be hell to pay later.

5: Better early mornings then late nights

Do i follow this?



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