Last Update: October 02, 2010

Well since the action training required me to start up a campaign for ppc i made a small one. However i put really small cash limits on it. About 1,5 dollar/day and about 10 cents/click.

 I still get pretty good traffic through it appears my ad is showing a lot cause i got many impressions.

I must say it is very effective. Allthough i can see how the money just flies away with no conversions. Think i will write ij ppc forum and ask some about this, cause obviously i get no ctr.

 But then i might not get enough visitors to get that small amount that  click through.


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jatdebeaune Premium
Certainly I have no intention of discouraging you from PPC because I know it is a quicker route to profit once you know what you are doing. I lost a lot of money on PPC before coming to WA. I made conversions, but I spent too much getting them. I like article marketing for that reason. Until you have a nice pile of money to invest, it's the conservative route. PPC is an investment.