Posts by Stavfel 27
December 16, 2010
Hey Hello Hello Been out for a while, since i been spending all my energy on my family and my 6 months old son. I finnally starting to get it to work so i can sit with this again without getting preassured to produce something. Currently catching up with the stf club that i started, so looking forward to that. Really wished i had some extra income now when it is close to christmas, but i guess i have to wait until next christmas.. Hopefully there will be something extra then
October 25, 2010
Read about Internet explorer 9 Beta and that it actually used my GPU from the graphic card on the web browser. Somethign i already took for granted all browers did, since everything got grahpical since win95 was introduced... Guess i was wrong. Anyhow i can tell you that even if it is a beta version, so far it outshine firefox in every way i have seen. And it is a lot faster to load pages. It is also made that you can see how much performance every add uses and how much it will sa
October 18, 2010
It has been a week or two now... I can't remember. That i have been up all nights guarding my son, since we learning him to sleep all night, so using a method we read about. You tuck him in and say goodnight and kiss his head then leave the room and let him fall to sleep by himself. If he starts crying you go before he works  himself up and do the same routine again. If he keeps on crying, you wait 5 minutes and then go in and do the routine again. This actually works as long as he has dry
October 16, 2010
After Reading Famousplumbers Blog about his father i felt that i wanted to write about mine. My dad was an amazing man. I think there wasn't a thing he couldn't fix. He could fix the tv, he fixed the car, He was a great carpenter, he could plant bushes and trees.... And to top it he was an electrician. I did not see him fail in anything.. Have you any idea what expectations that put in a young boy? The only thing he failed in was to teach me. I was to young. It was to hard. There was no time. I
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October 14, 2010
Well i have got around 20 clicks / day now for a few days on my adds, so guessing around 50-60 clicks and from that outcome there has been 9 hits on one of my affiliate links. Then another 27 to my second and last affiliate link... Atleast i think they do.Amazon has a strange rapport on it saying 27 clicks but only 1 is on a product and 26 on other things.  So i get traffic... I get that. But is it the wrong kind of traffic? I think i am pretty clear what my ads say and my landing pages an
October 08, 2010
OK so writing more landingpages.  Now i heard people are using 2-3 keyword phrases in each article. And between 400-700 words. I must say i have a hard time doing that. I always end up writing around 600 words, but just around 1.5% on both keywords. If i use them more i ruin the text. Specially if they are long tailed ones that one of them are. So if i use just one of them in one article i should get well above 3% and it will give me great quality score, but rather low set of keywords to us
October 06, 2010
I am going to start of with a big sigh. Almost done with my webpage and now my 2 top leading google keywords dropped to page 6 and so did my squidoo rankings. Even as i posted a new article yesterday i dropped from 85000 to 105000. Depressing. PPC campaign is just crap atm. CTR is laughable with its 0,18 overall so i have dropped all keywords that isn't generating anything. Thinking about how i can write an add about teddy bears to entice people to see it. But then this is my first project so of
October 02, 2010
Well since the action training required me to start up a campaign for ppc i made a small one. However i put really small cash limits on it. About 1,5 dollar/day and about 10 cents/click.  I still get pretty good traffic through it appears my ad is showing a lot cause i got many impressions. I must say it is very effective. Allthough i can see how the money just flies away with no conversions. Think i will write ij ppc forum and ask some about this, cause obviously i get no ctr.  But th
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September 28, 2010
Wow First page at google and i am nr 2 on that keyword phrase that has around 50 hits/ day.  What did i do?  53 searches /day 2590 seoc nr 2 on first page 118 searches/day 8420 seoc nr1 on first page..... What to make of this? I hope i will see some result from this tomorrow.  
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September 28, 2010
Alright so it is up and running with links, pictures and everything. I thought for a moment that i could sit back a bit and relax, but i guess now is when i start writing articles, optimizing my text for seo, Polishing my website even more. Start sistersites to link to my website and to my squidoolens....  Now if i only could get that cool theme "deep blue" to work properly. Lots of glitches in it and no updates yet since it is brand new. I must say i am quite satisfied with my wo