
Last Update: September 05, 2010

Well i hit the wall tonight after 6 hours work of research. The site i was gonna promote had several bad reviews and misscontended people so prob be wise to not invest time on that. Movie industry is hard since there are so many free services to watch and download em it has to be really something if they gonna charge money for it imho.

But not all a loss i have worked some on my site and decided what nieches i want to focus on so 2 steps forward and 1 back.

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Stavfel Premium
Thanks im trying very hard to learn. Been through 3 different niches that i discarded, now looking into the health buisness with focus on depression and treatments... But after writing my first article i see just junk so i am still working on it, but i prob wont get done tonight
Old Mizer Premium
I love the picture Stavfel. The little one is what this is all about. Failure is part of learning and I am glad you are wise to that. There is a bright side to everything. Look at all you have learned before the brick wall showed it's ugly face. While you may have taken one step back you are still open step ahead on the forward side. I know you will succeed at this.
jatdebeaune Premium
Follow your instincts Stavfel. If you have a hunch about a niche, don't ignore it. Research is great. Stats are useful. Your "instincts" can propel you over a swamp.
Louise M. Premium
good mindset, keep moving forward! we learn all the time :)