Guess what... More Research.

Last Update: September 12, 2010

Yes i i am stubborn and refusing to just grab a niche just to get it done. It has to feel right before i go any further with this. Been doing it over and over.

 Finding a niche and then researching it and always find something that is wrong with it so shelfing it until i know more so i can use it. I know there are potential in those i been through, just not the kind i need to start. Because when i finally put a website up with my promotion and writes articles it has to click.... If there is no click it will be like eating glue. Its messy, get stuck in my teeth and i'm sure it wont feel so good after. 

So now i been looking up some new sub nieches to other niches that might be a bit odd, but that is what works i'm told.


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Stavfel Premium
I managed to find something that interest me actually, but hardly a passion, but it is related to someting i have passion about and that is good enough i think. Feels a lot easier to look it up and research more deeply about it. Also made a squidoo account to promote articles for it, but gonna use WP as landingpage and affiliate links so currently setting up a new domain, but not so sure what of the keyword or wors i should use as domainname. Prob the one with most hits i guess..
erussell Premium
Finding sub-niches works extremely's definitely a good way to go. Not only does it allow you to find keywords that are easier to target, but it draws in a more focused customer which often leads to better results.
famousplumber Premium
Like Jamie says, pick something you really care about. Then, if you want (I used to do it), write down the niche and think of as many things as you can that relate to that niche,and write them down, too. Be'll come to you. I have a tool called Micro Niche Finder. Keep it between us, but if you'd like, I'll run some KW's through it for you and we'll see what we come up with. Send me a PM.

Larry (famousplumber)
Jamie Smith Premium
Pick a niche that is a passion, so it doesn't feel like a job. There is plenty of $$ to be made worldwide in just about anything you enjoy surfing on your free time. Please feel free to PM me if you need some additional help picking your niche.