New dawn

Last Update: August 29, 2010

First day at my new job with internet marketing. I got several tutorials to go through today and since im stuck at week 3 in action training i guess i have to read a lot now and do my research in the next 3 days. At the moment my girlfriend are attending to my sons needs and i shut myself in my homeoffice :-) I just hope this will work out so i get to do this and not getting disturbed every minute.

What i did was explain my intentions and how i want to have my days here and she was ok with it, saying she support me fully. Now there will be days when the boy will keep us up at night so my time here will be shorter, but not much to do about that. I am anxious to get started now so i am not gonna sit here and jabbering anymore ;-)


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Stavfel Premium
Alrighty, will take a look:-) thx
Jamie Smith Premium
Very proud of you for having a positive attitude and good work ethic as you start this new chapter of your life. Check out the mind map on Jay's magistudios blog in his April 2010 archives to help you see the BIG picture. Also, enjoy Jay's FREE webinars.
Stavfel Premium
Yes you got that right and also keep my head clear, and that means no more late nights for me. Thanks for your well wishes. I turn my cell phone of btw, as well as my msn messenger :-)
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Stavfel, Frankly staking your territory of work time and space is one of the biggest challenges of working from a home office. You have to be very strict and tough. Of course your son is a big exception to that rule. If you have caller ID, don't answer the phone. Again, family is an exception and emergencies happen. It's amazing how many people think your time is free just because you are not in somebody's employ. Working on your own is more time consuming, but way more fun. All the best to you.