
Last Update: August 30, 2010

Ok so there is a lot of research to do. I have two good areas of expertise that i try to use here and so far it is flooding in my brain of items to promote so i can not decide. Made a lot of searches and looked at alexa to see how much hits they had at the comercial sites. Did the clickbank search here at WA, but wasn't satisfied with the results there, mostly ebooks and not the products i wanted to promote. So looked at the company sites and one just gives a 4% comission... Got a bit sad about that... Made some coffe and ate some candy.. Felt better :-)

So started to read the forum about marketing discussions and thought maybe i should read more about my other field so now im thinking about changing back to my first thought when i joined. But then its is so huge and computer games has so many sub categories and close niches i just will go nuts and want to promote everything in there. I have a huge interest into computergames( and computer, dvd, tv, movies, hometheaters) even though i am over 30... Oh yes the child in me will never die!!

In my head i think i made a lot of research in an area i know a lot about the consumers, but i get the impression from the guides people spend days even weeks researching before they start campaigns...  I need a break and to think a about this.


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