Webb creation?

Last Update: August 26, 2010

Got a bit confused when i went through the action plan and followed a link to make a wordpress website during week 2 and not even had a chance to do a market research or nieche reserch. Luckly i have given it some thought before so i already had a good domain name, but question is if it will work later on.

Can't wait til i get it up and runing and can put some good links and reviews in it.


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Stavfel Premium
Yeah i noticed that, i will however treat this domain as my learning domain while i go the action plan and most likely buy a new later.
Sherion Premium
I was clear in lesson 5 when I found out that they had added that in lesson 2! They added to buy a domain and also to read through the WordPress tutorial. I had to backtrack and do the extra tasks. But, I did not buy a domain. I am still not ready as to what I want for a domain name. Also, you are right when it comes to market research, finding a niche. Those tutorials come in later lessons. I really feel that is too much for lesson 2. Read the comments at the bottom. Some members are not buying domains yet. You are not the only one that is confused! Best Wishes to you.