What a wonderful book

Last Update: September 02, 2010

I got my ebook "wholovesmoney" that came with my membership. I have alreayd read half of it and it all makes sence to me. Best thing i ever read about IM. I have read a lot on forums, i read peoples blog entries about marketing. went through several tutorials and is on week 3 on action plan. And still i have been a bit lost and felt uneasy of what to do and how to do it. But reading this book sort of filled in the gap i had.

It also gave me lots of hope that making money as an IM is not so farfetched if it just gets done properly. Proper research and proper keyword research, then to making the website draw in customers... Made me feel happy. 

I even wrote down lots of good hints from it so it gets memorized, can't wait til i can put it in practice. I will however take a lot of time doing research now when i knwo what steps that are available and what too look for.


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Labman_1 Premium
Perhaps I am doing this wrong, I missed out on this book. Seems that when I go to get it I am prompted to pay for it. I thought it was one of the perks of membership but I can't figure out how to access it without an additional outlay of money. This I won't do. Perhaps someone can help with this as I would love to read anything that is available but am at my spending limit.
Stavfel Premium
Yes i sure did.
I read through the last pages today and really eager to start researching with the recomended methods now. I still don't see the full difference between ptc and article marketing, except that it is free and other isn't.
jatdebeaune Premium
Embarrassing, but I don't think I ever got that book. Well, maybe I can download it and read it now. Sounds like you got inspired Stavfel.