Mobile Mass Money link to real reviews.

Last Update: August 21, 2011

Before I take a leave of absence, I wanted to give you a real link of actual comments about a new get-rich-quick product called Mobile Money Machines that was released maybe a few days ago.  Buyer Beware!

MMM is stirring up a buzz because it's aiming affiliate marketing at mobile phone users, an area that has low competition and supposedly better results than email or web marketing.  I was very tempted to purchase it after watching a long video about this secret automated system.  But I've been motivated by videos like these before and went and looked deep into Google's search results.  Google and Bing are flooded with fake reviews with clickbank affiliate links.  It took a while, but I finally found a page that has some real reviews by people who have just paid the $49 for what turns out to be the basic package.

 I knew there had to be more money involved than simply $49.  The video pretty much implied that using the system is free and automated, and the $49 was only to cover the cost of the expense of the massive server that is used to run the system.  But once you fork up the $49, you soon find out that there are other costs and upgrades involved, and get insulted if you don't upgrade by stating that you really aren't serious about the program.  Starting campaigns will also cost you money.  So this isn't truly a push-button automated system for $49.

I got sick of the Search Engine Results for Mobile Money Machines and the fake reviews.  We are all familiar with those fake reviews, and many of us have made them.  I'm sharing the one page I found that actually had comments by people who bought the system, and many of them are disappointed.    This is not a page from any of my websites, and there is an affiliate link on the description/summary of the program, so don't click on that unless you want to be taken through the hype roller coaster that eventually will ask you to make a purchase.  Just scroll to the bottom, below the description/summary and read the comments people have left.  Real comments that will make you second-guess buying the product.  For me, the comments saved me $49, and I'll pass knowing that I won't be able to afford the hidden costs.  For others who can afford it, maybe you have some ideas to make it work.  I think it's just another dishonest scam.

Here is the link, if my summary didn't go into enough depth for you:


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