Grinning Ear-to-Ear at my New Video

Last Update: March 23, 2011

I just had This Video created in HD for my Super Affiliate Website.  I absolutely love it!  I've already watched my 44-second trailer about 25 times this evening.  I've made trailers like this in the past, but I wanted to check out a service somebody was offering for dirt cheap that I might start doing myself.  I was thinking about making a video like this that had the Wealthy Affiliate logo in it where WA Members could pay me a small fee to customize the video with their very own website URL within the video.  Is anybody interested in this kind of thing?  I could also offer the service for free for any new members that sign up under my Affiliate Link.  I think I have a game plan folks!

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Whistler Premium
Looks cool! But I am still confused...did you make the video yourself or did you hire someone else? If you made it, may I ask what program you used? Reminds me of some of the demo stuff used in action essentials 2 with adobe after effects, and that is a good thing. :)
Sherion Premium
That is one cool video. Best of Wishes to You with it.
SuperG Premium
I requested the video late at night and got it the following morning.
Nirnaeth Premium
looks really great! did it take long to make that vido?
Labman_1 Premium
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