Posts by SuperG 9
Before I take a leave of absence, I wanted to give you a real link of actual comments about a new get-rich-quick product called Mobile Money Machines that was released maybe a few days ago.  Buyer Beware! MMM is stirring up a buzz because it's aiming affiliate marketing at mobile phone users, an area that has low competition and supposedly better results than email or web marketing.  I was very tempted to purchase it after watching a long video about this secret automated system. 
August 17, 2011
Sadly, I was fired from Pepsi 3 weeks ago.  I overslept and therefore I can't get unemployment.  My bank account is about to bust.  At a time when I most need to be taking WA courses, I'm having to drop every extra expense in my budget, which includes my WA Membership.  I'll have to do this solo until I can find a stable source of income, but I will be back.  I never want to be put in this position again in relying on an employer for income and security.  This commu
April 28, 2011
Why does it pour when it rains?  I've had a few issues to deal with in my personal and work life the past 2 weeks, and now my Internet Marketing adventure is dumping rain on me.  Where did the sun go?  Oh yeah, it's just April.   Last night Google emailed me to inform me that my Ad Words account has been deactivated because I've violated their terms AGAIN.  My Adwords Campaign points to a landing page for the Mad Marketing Method opt-in.  When it was deactivated bef
I wasted a lot of time the past few days trying to find a Word Press Express Template to replace my WA Template.  I found a couple that I REALLY liked, but when I previewed what my site would actually look like with those templates, the layout just wouldn't work.  Aweber forms would be too big for the sidebars or body, or words would be scrambled and spaced incorrectly.  I would have to change a few settings and spend a week learning some HTML or learning how to edit style sheets.
I've been up for the past 24 hours checking my email every 30 minutes looking for Kyle and Carson's Big News.  I'm sure you have been doing the same thing after getting yesterday's email.  Yesterday's email stated that it had something to do with a massive loophole they just discovered in Google that will make a lot of us rich from insane traffic. I'm happy to say that I got the email today with some more details.  Kyle and Carson made about a million dollars with it last week.&nb
I just had This Video created in HD for my Super Affiliate Website.  I absolutely love it!  I've already watched my 44-second trailer about 25 times this evening.  I've made trailers like this in the past, but I wanted to check out a service somebody was offering for dirt cheap that I might start doing myself.  I was thinking about making a video like this that had the Wealthy Affiliate logo in it where WA Members could pay me a small fee to customize the video with their ver
March 17, 2011
I submitted to EZine Articles over 2 weeks ago.  I submitted 2 spun articles which were my first articles ever.  I'll call this campaign 1.  Campaign 1 is the same Affiliate Campaign I used for my Facebook Ad Experiment.  I assumed my spun articles were disapproved because of all the latest changes to Google. While I was waiting for approval, I discovered StreetArticles and started using them with Campaign 2.  I'm very passionate about campaign 2 and have a lot to contri
I've decided to explore the world of Facebook Advertising after watching one of Marcus' videos from his website.  I have used Google's Adwords for the past 3 days and fronted $105 for my ad before it even became active.  That means I have to spend $105 even if I decided to bail out on PPC advertising with $50 left in the pot. The reason I chose to experiment with Facebook advertising is for the demographic feature for targeted marketing.  I'm promoting a product that came with an
February 27, 2011
Today is Day five at Wealthy Affiliate and it feels like I've already been here for a month.  I've read a lot of material from ebooks and tutorials so far and getting a better grasp to what IM is all about. I have dabbled with IM in the past, once with my own business and more recently testing out a site that gives reviews on a product I feel strongly about.  I didn't put much effort into that and my domain name expired this last November.  The good news is that I checked GoDaddy