3 Sales Pages in 5 Days!

Last Update: February 08, 2010

I'm happy to report that after the blog that I read last time and the super affiliate PPC training I have been motivated to have another look at my landing pages, create three more, write another couple of articles and investigate a whole lot more keywords!

I'm pretty happy with the accomplishments now I just have to monitor it all closely to see if it all pays off in the way of sales.

 Fingers crossed. Hard work and a bit of luck have got to get the ball rolling well and truly! I want this year to see my internet marketing business earning more than my salaried job before June.

 Internet marketing can be a real mystery at times but I really love all the benefits. Now I just need more cash!

Next big goals:

  1. Get three review sites published
  2. 3 relevant domain names to match my new pages
  3. $100 a day in sales by March 10

 Hope all well with you all!

Here's to a very successful 2010!




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thebiscuit Premium
Great Tania, I have a question for you, where can I find the "prmotion material" for WA. I can't seem to find it now but I am 95% sure IU have been looking at it before? I am also doing landing pages and thought I wanted to have a pre-made banner/logo from WA, am I wrong or is it an archive somewhere that I canät find now?