Ha ha! I got it wrong!

Last Update: March 03, 2010

I just looked at my previous blog and have since realised that I got the $10,000 figure wrong! What a laugh. I must have been totally immersed in a panic attack! It's not usually my way to feel sorry for myself but I think in this business there are always going to be ups and downs. Actually, that's life not just this business.

 So, onward and upward. Since that blog, I have been tweeking my BING campaigns and asked Marcus to check it as well to see if there was anything I was doing wrong - and guess what? There was nothing wrong with it! It's always great to have some positive reinforcement so I strongly recommend asking for help from the members of this community to help to achieve goals.

 A renewed sense of purpose and a bit of motivation goes a long way when you realise that you are on the right track!

I'm off to tackle my google campaign now. Bring on goal 1: $700 US a week!  I want Vegas next year! 

 Hope everyone is going well!

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