Re-Motivated and Ready to Rock!

Last Update: February 08, 2010

I read a post yesterday from WA about how sales don't come by accident! It was by far the best post that I could have read at that moment. I've been working hard to make my work from home internet marketing business really successful. Sometimes 10 hour days but always six days a week. So, I have all my ducks in a row but I have been getting hardly any sales. I was bummed.

 But, after reading that blog yesterday I was re-motivated and have been steam rolling my small goals since. I wanted to have at least 5 web pages added to my site before the end of January and two active ad campaigns.

 Until yesterday, I wasn't even on track with those goals. Since yesterday, I have written two posts for my blog, written two more sales letters for my affiliate products, completed a tutorial on WA and sorted out a number of technical issues that I always put off for days!

So, I just wanted to say that I am re-charged, re-energised and re-motivated to charge ahead with my business. Instead of being bummed, I'm hanging out hour by hour to spy on the effectiveness of my campaigns!


I'm off to write a couple of articles now - hope you are all going as well!


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sox1n05 Premium
That is a great story! Blogs are a wonderful tool to help motivate both the reader AND the author. I know exactly what blog you're talking about! :) And yes, it motivated me too!