I've lost my blog but I think it's a good thing!

Last Update: May 30, 2010

Well, after my last post I've been through a few very different emotions. It is a few weeks on and no techies can retrieve my 50+ posts and 12 months of work.

But... and here's the big but:

I'm kind of thinking it's a good thing. In part, my blog was a diary of my inexperience and newbie-ness. Some of the articles I wrote early on really could do with some "realness" instead of parroted writing.

So, I am going back to the drawing board happily! I see this as an opportunity to re-invent my blog with better content, a classier theme and heaps more of my personality inserted into the posts!

I'll keep you posted but the timing is perfect for the blogging system going live at WA.

A year ago I would have been absolutely devastated by losing my blog but I suppose the one thing that working from home has taught me - it's to keep trying regardless of the odds!

Have a great day everyone.



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Tans Premium
Thanks for your comments everyone! It just reinforces my thinking! I certainly have a new starting point - actually, I think you would call it a blank canvas! Thanks again.
Victor Lee Premium
Hi Tan, I've recently lost one of my blogs too. Newbie mistake of changing my primary domain without backup. You have a very positive attitude I can surely learn from. I am truly glad I am here in WA.
DABK Premium
Good attitude. It would get on my nerves big time not matter what. On principle.
Monja Premium
whew hi tan - what a great thinking to start with. I agree with you, sometimes a fresh start is not a loss but a good thing to put all your new experiences in. so i won´t say i´m sorry because i agree with you - working from home means reinventing ourselves as well as taking bad luck as a new starting point - if a door is closed a window may open - good luck!