Backlinks - Wow! Mindblowing!

Last Update: December 08, 2009

I haven't blogged for a while. I've been flat out building backlinks for my site, writing articles for squidoo, my blog, hubpages, ezines etc. I love writing so it's not a problem but I would have expected to see more traffic by now as well. 

The constant work required to build traffic is quite mind blowing. I'm sure though that putting in the groundwork will pay dividends long-term - which is what I want.

Ezines seems to be bringing in the most traffic so far which I find kind of amazing. I'm working on improving my lenses and ad campaign to see if a few tweaks will change things a little bit. 

I understand that a website is never really finished but I finally feel that I am nearly happy with it the way it is. Now, the next step seems to be increasing traffic and building an opt-in list.

Hope all is well with everyone and business is progressing well for you.

Till next time.



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