I've been away but now I'm back!

Last Update: October 26, 2009

In the famous words of Arnie Swarz "I'm back!". I am sure that you have all been far too busy developing your businesses but I've been on an out of range holiday for a few weeks and found that I have really missed the contact! It's kind of nice being connected online when you work from home.

Just a quick update, I managed to get my status changed at Ezines.com today to Expert Author which is really exciting for me. Adds a bit more credibility for my site.

I have nearly completed a resource that I will post soon that is a resource solely for business planning. Internet marketing aside, it is really important to have a business plan up your sleeve for your reference and to keep to on track.  I'll be posting it on my site as a free resource in the hopes of building my opt-in list.

I'll ad a WA blog post when I have posted it in resources.  




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