Day Three... WOW!

Last Update: June 24, 2010

Three Days Now, and I Love it!!

So, I joined three days ago, and I wasn't sure exactly what to expect. Although, I had danced around joining this amazing community for about a month or so.  Boy am I glad I did!! The networking and connections here are fantastic, and the people are absolutely amazing.  I love being in a community where hype is just an old fable and reality is where the rubber hits the road.  There are so many here just being real and I love it.

 For all those out there who have commented on my wall, thanks much!! I feel so welcomed to WAU!! This is great!

 Last night, I was dabbling with the keyword tool... and wow. Can I just say wow? I found MULTIPLE keywords with over 400 searches per month, and 6 optimized Google results... of course, I can't tell you because then I'd have to.... (not kill you... something else). But I'm going to start my first campaign tonight or tomorrow morning and see how it goes!! Sound good?


 Thanks for stopping by again!

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Travis101 Premium
@Pavol totally, I make sure to check the keyword tool as well. I even span my research over a couple days making sure to research the keywords at least twice for accurate results. If the results fluctuate too much, I just ditch the keyword. I look for consistency. Thanks for the tip, bro!
Pavol Premium
The community here is indeed great.
I would advise you to see if the results match the Google keyword too results, beause lately WA keyword tool results seem to distorted. The latest forum thread about this issue, including Kyle's response can be found here
moonvine Premium
I agree with you! WA is a University for sure. I love it and I am so glad I came back to WA.