Here's Me!

Last Update: June 22, 2010

My First Day At WA

So, I've been waiting for my rent deposit to come back into my bank account and it finally came in, so that makes me happy! When I got it, I immediately joined WA because I've been waiting to join until I had enough money to at least pay for three months. So now I have three months or money set aside specifically for WA and I don't need to feel pressure to learn everything immediately. 

Anywhoo, here I am, I just filled in my WA Space "About Me" section and I'm happy to be getting started. So far, I'm very impressed with the value here at WA... the amount of time and effort K&C have put into this membership is phenomenal. 

So I'm not sure exactly what else to write, except I'm excited to get started and I hope to get to know a bunch of the people here.

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wildflower40 Premium
Welcome Travis! I am new here as well! Added you as m buddy!
Carrie Premium
Hi, Travis! Welcome to WA, although I'm almost as new as you are. Time a a great commodity, and one you have lots of because of your age. It can do so much for you. Best of luck here!
jatdebeaune Premium
Welcome Travis. All the best to you on your journey. Look forward to being friends.
moonvine Premium
Welcome, Travis! WA is really super! I am still learning my way around but I love it so far!