Enjoying the Tasks & Goals Tool

Last Update: June 26, 2010

I've been spending some time familiarizing myself with the tasks and goals tool and I love it!!

I'm so glad I found this tool... This is a short post, but here we go...

 So, I'm making my own kinda routine now... I plan the next week inside my tasks and goals tool, then each day when I log into WAU, I can check and see what my tasks for that day are. It's perfect!

 The other thing I do, to keep me accountable with time on the internet, is unplug the powercord/ charger on my laptop. My computer gets about 2.5 hours of battery life on high-performance mode, which is exactly the amount of time I want to spend on my business every day--even in the future (possibly less). This keeps me from overworking and getting burned out, and if I finish tasks early, it's icing on the cake!!

Not to mention, it keeps me focused. When I know what i need to be doing, I don't find myself distracted as easily and I can get going right away.  Just a couple things I do to keep myself productive. :D

 When I'm on a time-limit/time frame, I stay on task. Easy Peasy!!

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Jamie Smith Premium
I agree, it is a great WA tool. I also enjoy using google docs. Time Management and organization are so important!
jatdebeaune Premium
How did you get so wise so soon?
Louise M. Premium
Awesome!! Keep up the good work buddy! Focusing is very important! :)
Moonstone Premium
Yes thats true they say we work to whatever time we have. Im gals you like this tool.