What Motivates You? And A Little On My Past

Last Update: July 08, 2010

My Background...


(Hey, you gotta be safe these days... people will sue for anything. And that's some people's idea of making a good income!)

Alright, so... I've been at this for like over a year now. I think the total amount of money I have made without having to step into a building and clock in, is around... $200.00...

Okay, not bad... but they were sketch ideas that didn't go as planned or took WAY too long to implement OR were dumb luck.

The Quibids Adventure:

For example, ever heard of quibids? (you're welcome to try this because it worked for me the first time I tried it) well, you can buy brand new, high-ticket items like macbook pro's, ipod touches, xbox 360's etc... for anywhere from $50-$200.00!!

So I bought this pretty cool computer tablet for $30 bucks, which retails for about $220.00, got it in the mail, then resold it on ebay for a profit of $170.00...

That was my idea. No course... just a  spur of the moment kinda thing.

Twitter Sponsored Ads:

Okay, I made $5.00 doing this. I got my account, I had a twitter profile with 5,000 followers, and someone picked me right off the bat to tweet for $5.00. It was my first and only time making money with Twitter. :p

Ebay Madness:

Ebay... you know... find a sale on the internet somewhere, post the item on ebay for a little more to get a nice ROI... but the bad news is, if the sale ends, you're losing money. This was me. I made a profit of $15.00 one time on a lucky sale selling some new Nintendo Wii game...

Affiliate Marketing:

EPIC FAIL.  Zip. Zilch. Nada. What's the deal? Even in the things that were my own ideas, that I just tried, for the heck of it... no plan, no ebook, no membership course, just me jumping in with my teeth gritted... they at least worked to SOME extent. But affiliate marketing? Nooo... the one thing I actually WANT to do and research, and learn about and work on every day... So awkward.

Sometimes I feel like the crazy scientist nerd guy who swears on his life that this legendary creature exists deep in the depths of Atlantis, paying no regard to ridicule and snickering around him, while ignoring completely all the signs that this could just indeed be a failed attempt.... but HE MUST TRY. Because he knows... he knows that he knows that he knows in the depths of his heart, that this creature is down there.

Atlantis? Oh, forget that... that's a given--Child's play!! But this creature is deep in the heart of Atlantis.  Will he keep going?

Finding Your Motive To Drive You Further

Okay, so maybe a little over the top right? (Please don't tell me I should write for a living. I know I can write, ok? I'll write... but PPC is where my heart is at.) I wanted to talk about motivation.

I had a great talk with a friend recently about motivation and how to stay motivated. Although... to some degree I must be honest and say, I can't say I've had an amazing turn around or anything. He's an inspiring business owner, currently building an online business for entrepreneurs who work with Apple equipment as their overhead. He's brilliant!!

One thing I notice about him? He's been cranking away at this website/online business for over a year!! And he hasn't given up!! No... in fact, he's more passionate and fired up about it than ever before! I saw this, and jumped on it.

So... the tips:

  • What do you HATE about your life right now that you want to change?
  • What are the consequences of remaining in the same place--immediate and long-term future?
  • What would you LIKE your life to look like this very moment if you had started a year ago?
  • Who would be affected by your failure to follow through? And how so?
  • Who would be affected by your succeeding to follow through? And how so?
  • What are your goals?
  • Where do you want to be in a year from now?
Great tips eh? Well, they were all new to me.

He also told me that one thing which has boosted his urgency was the fact that his company is being bought by a larger company... so he really needs to crank. He's got a family to provide for.

He said, think of ways to simulate pressure. Come up with artificial, self-imposed danger to keep you moving forward at a fast rate. For me, since I'm 19 and live with my parents... he suggested "upping" the amount of money I pay them each month to help with the bills.

And finally, my favorite bit...


You've friggin' got a year of college under your belt, you've been out on your own for a year... it's time to grow up and move forward!! You're not in high school anymore.  I hate for this to be a reminder for the guys and gals in their 20's and older.... but seriously. My friend is right. Grow up.

So... I struggled for a while even after this motivating talk, to find my motivation. Then it came to me one night when the thought crossed my mind about having a wife and kids. In that moment, suddenly I could see them all so clearly, and all the motivation in the world welled up inside me to JUST DO IT.

 So... that's me. I hope you enjoyed. Feel free to comment!

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famousplumber Premium
My Father, rest his soul, was a long-time newspaper Editor. Old school. Brilliant man.

He worked with me like Tiger Woods Father worked with him. I was, by crackie, gonna be in the newspaper business.

So, I became a plumber. His disappointment was far beyond palpable. Our once close relationship became, for the first time, quite strained.

I soon enough tired of that strained relationship. I missed him. I missed our extended conversations on subjects eclectic.

I approached my Dad one summer day and said, "Ya know, Dad, we really are in the same business."

His scowling retort came ardently and quick. "Why the hell would you say a stupid thing like that?"

My pre-planned reply came with a certain fear. "Well, Dad, we both deal in crap!'

His scowl, at first worsened, slowly turned to his wonderful smile, and then to raucous laughter. The ensuing bear hug was a relief beyond description.

Our friendship was renewed, and even strenghened. Until his dying day we remained fellow conversationalists and best of friends.

I miss you, Dad.

p.s. Writing is a gas, huh Travis? Keep on, young brother.
jatdebeaune Premium
Truly enjoyed your blog, Travis. And guess what? You're safe. I didn't suffer any harmful effects from reading it. No seizures and no retina problems. Nice when people find the "big thing" that motivates them. Caring for family and personal independence are high on the chart. The biggest thing of all is that you just like what you are doing. You can be successful at many things. I'm a few moons beyond 18 or 20, ahem, and this is a second career for me. I never thought I would be any good at geek stuff, but I am loving IM. Strange. You have no idea how strange. Been at it a while and still putting it together. Yes, I've made a few bucks, but not a lot yet. Thrilled to be challenged in something new and frontier-ish. You really do write well. All the best to you.
Moonstone Premium
Cool blog Travis very interesting.
Barnabus Premium
Travis, I enjoyed reading this and have to say "My, My..You are a busy one" I don't want to sound like some old fart and say "stick with it, It get's better" Heck, I don't know if it will get any better or not. As long as you never lose the motivation to keep trying and plugging it out day by day, you'll do OK..or better. You will never know unless you try. Right?...Peace.Bill
maureenhannan Premium
Thanks for a great read, Travis. And for being so transparent and light-hearted about your online moneymaking adventures. I enjoy your writing style, and I think you have a lot of wisdom for a 19-year-old. You're going to do just fine in whatever you throw yourself into for the long haul. What kind of music do you play? (I noticed in your bio you're a musician.) ~ Maureen