Posts by Trek-shooter 29
April 10, 2012
    I thought this picture was funny and thought I would share it with you guys :D. Anyway hey everyone, I am BACK from my lil holiday. Ready to work away although I really need a new laptop charger and battery for this thing because at the moment I have to have it in a certain place for it to work and it's kinda annoying. Hope everyone had a brilliant Easter. I know i did I have so many eggs to eat still nom nom.  So what's my plan now going forward. Well
April 05, 2012
Hey everyone, How's it going! Wow ive been away from WA for 2 weeks and their has been some major changes, congrats to Kyle and Carson it looks awesome. As this blog post has been titled some much needed time out yes I have been away for 2 weeks or so. And before you ask no I didn't go on holiday, I just needed some time out. Reasons being a lot of things really. Stressed out from work, I have a lot of birthdays withing my family in April including my younger brother so been busy att
February 28, 2012
Hey, Bit on a downer today, I have been running a site in the weightloss niche for nearly a year now in march. It's really getting to me now as I have over a 100 posts, getting over 20 hits a day so and 600 a month and 50 hops but no sales. Is it time to move onto a different niche? I'm just a bit pissed off beacuse I have put so much into it, articles blog post backlinks buying backlink packages my site is sitting at 6 for a keyword that gets over a 1000 searches a month with 63,000 competing p
February 06, 2012
Hey people, If you have not tried the jaaxy keyword research tool out yet   DO IT NOW!!!! I have 90 keywords, which I found today giving me around  32975 in estimated searches a month!!! That is crazy and these keywords are rankable!  Don't miss out  Trek 
January 30, 2012
Yup. I missed new years resolution, I didn't have one in place in time for this month. So instead I have made it February 1st as my date to begin my new years resolution. I only a few to be honest. One step at a time, no point in having 10 or 20 because there's not enough hours in the day. So number 1 is to become more fit and healthy.  I play a lot of football (soccer) and I have to admit, I have let my fitness down big time. I get lazy and tend not to do anything but laze around after wor
January 11, 2012
A good friend of mine came to visit me yesterday whilst I was on a downer about my life. He's in a similar position as me because he works in the same place as me and he to wants to be successful. He showed me this video and it picked me right up. I would like to share this video with you  Sacrifice for success
August 08, 2011
 Hey everyone I guess most of you have heard about the riots going on in London at the moment. Well where i live Clapham its crazy.  Shops being looted, businesses being smashed to bits, its crazy i'm actually speechless at the moment. I'm disgusted i don't know why the goverment has not called in the army.  Its like a warzone here. I'm afraid to step outside my house god knows how i'm getting to work tomorrow. This is 5
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December 08, 2010
Well, the new year is going to be here soon, and i just wanted to share some personal goals i'm going to set for myself. 1) Spend at least 2hours on my internet marketing efforts. 2) To write at least 2 articles EVERYDAY except for sundays as this will be my time :) 3) Before i even kick into the new year, i want to start a project on a clickbank product and have a domain ready to start work on with all the research to go with it. 4) To AT least make a sale every day or 2 for the year with the p
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November 28, 2010
Well the title pretty much says it all, well you might of seen in the success forum last week that i had made my first sale, boy what a feeling to get of the mark. I had a pretty a wicked week last week, celebrated my birthday on the sunday, had a week of work, and of course made a sale. But today i had to return to work :( sad times, yesterday i had to leave my girlfriend ( we only get to see each other on weekends) and i won't be seeing her for 2weeks as we are both working hard for the run up