Day 3 Part one - Thought of the Morning

Last Update: May 05, 2010

Morning all, i'm sat here all suited and booted ready to leave for the day.....its 8.50am and I have a number of appointments lined up, as well as the requirement to vote in todays general election (I believe in using my vote!).


I've seen alot of comments floating around with people questionning whether they can make this a success or not; well I have the following advice:


1.  If you believe in yourself and your abilities then you will succeed.

2.  If you see failure, you will fail.

3.  Try to remain positive and smile, even if you don't feel entirely positive; negativity breeds negativity!

4.  Don't be afraid to ask questions, knowledge is power after all and we should NEVER stop asking and learning!

5.  This is my most IMPORTANT tip.......DON'T SELL A PRODUCT OR SERVICE, LEARN TO SELL YOURSELF!!!  By seliing yourself, you will sell those products and services that you are affiliated with.....does this make sense? 

It seems like a strange thing to say, but no one likes a hard sell these days....people prefer and expect an "expert" or "consultant sell" in order to educate them.  By selling YOURSELF, you will soon realise that people buy from people they like......think of the last time you ordered your car as an example!  

I'll drop in later tonight - have a great day! 

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DABK Premium
So very, very, very right.