Last Update: May 08, 2010

Hey, Shaun here...ok, so i've now done the following;

1.  Bought my domain name.

2.  Hosted in through WA.

3.  Set up all FTP information.

4.  Downloaded CORE FTP.


......and thats about as far as i've got!  Despite downloading CORE FTP and following the instructions detailed on WA, i cannot log in to CORE FTP as it keeps telling my FTP information is incorrect (i have no idea why though, as i have even gone back and checked this in WA...and it isn't wrong!!!!!!).....I have no idea what is going on.....and i'm hoping someone will come back to me on the forum and give me some advice!

It frustrates the life out of me that in this day and age, its so complicated to set up the most basic things!  I feel close to throwing my laptop out of the window...although i know that won't do any good as Lulu our Boxer dog will probably catch it in her mouth before it crashes to the patio!

Please help....someone!!!!! 

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Fallulah Premium
Ahhh this made me laugh ... if I had a quid for every time I got that close to chucking it out the window [lol]!!! Luckily I'm now just settled in, enjoying the ride and laughing at myself when I have one of those days [lol] ... Hope it's going well for you ...
Wizz Kid Premium
I think FTP is over complicated sometimes with software. Try using your windows browser FTP works just as well. username/pass.Done
Give me a shout if your still having problems