First few lenses done!

Last Update: May 18, 2010

Well, i've now done a few lenses and still not had one!?!  Any tips guys.....? 

Hoping to spend a good view hours reading up on this subject tomorrow, but my initial aim was to get some content up on squidoo and get used to posting (so I guess i suceeded in that part) I just need to figure how to get traffic and obviously pick a topic that someone wants to read about!??!



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Fallulah Premium
Hi Shaun :) Congrats on getting up and running so quickly :) Just had a look and I'm impressed. You might want to look into potpiegirl's One Week Marketing. It's a paid product but pretty focused on squidoo. It shows how PPG took a WA member through the squidoo process right to to sales. I kinda hesitate to recommend products but if you're kicking it it's a great resource ... have a look at PPG's squidoo pages, see what you think and you'll be able to make an informed decision ...