Last Update: May 06, 2010

Today is day 4, i'm excited for two reasons:

1.  I should negotiate a large group deal worth over £80k at 2pm this afternoon, when I have a meeting with two client directors.

2.  In 11 hours times, i can move onto the next stage of my action training (it seems to have taken forever) and thus opening a new chapter into WA.

I spent alot of time looking into lead generation sources yesterday and i'm pretty much set on two companies to use...who aren't all that expensive.  In addition, i've decided on a feeder page from WA and i'm almost decided (to be selected later today) on a domain name for this feeder, all things being well; i could have somewhere to aim potential "customers" toward.

Katy and I have just learnt that the weather here for the weekend is fairly grim, so not only will she be working on her MBA dissertation, i will be juggling my time between my final BA Business paper and my WA "life" this space guys and girls!

Here's to us all have a superb day, afterall it is FRIDAY!!!!  

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martyn01202 Premium
Thanks for the update and I'm glad things are working well for you.