Posts by Wandah 13
Have you ever had those time warps when it is just much easier to be doing this and that and oops I'll just go quick and throw a load of laundry in and then on the way out of that room you see all the cushions on the living room floor so that draws your attention and so on . You get the gest of it I am sure. Mean while there's this yappie little voice annoying the heck out of you.  " You don't have your keyword research done for that article that you need to get up for tomorrow,&quo
Hi There. Yes I am darn excited this morning. I am a brand new member of this community and after being around the block for a year and a half, I now enter a new system of learning with some degree of caution.  Now I know that you folks who have been here from the birth of WAU know the value you have with this company.  Now as newbies we have to see results and build a relationship of trust that WAU is actually going to deliver on there promises to provide everything we need to help u
1 comment
February 23, 2011
Experiencing 30 years in working with youth struggling to break through brokeness and helpless feelings of despair , I have found the words of inspiration, encouragement, support and caring the pillars of restoration .  Josh Kear is a song writer that inspires his following to live a life of inspiration and success.  I wish to share a view of what he has to say about inspired living.: According to Kear: There's no such thing as an overnight success. It's a matter of dedication, hard w