Attracting Traffic

Last Update: January 18, 2012

Hello, everyone.  I am keeping an eye on SOPA for the next several days.  If my blog and articles get censored by the government, I will have ZERO traffic.  I hope the government will use common sense, and pretty much leave the Internet alone.

I am not in favor of government censorship of the Internet unless they have very specific rules they follow about what they consider to be bad stuff on the Web.  I just ignore the stuff I don't like, and other people can do the same. ;)  If

I have had a few minor successes lately (more than 20 clicks on my cloaked links).  I posted blog entries about perfectionism and Heather Locklear on January 13th.  I also wrote an article to Street Articles about Heather Locklear.  That got published within 24 hours.  Many people were interested, and I wasn't sure how much of it was related to Heather Locklear and how much of it was related to perfectionism.

I was going to write about perfectionism last night.  I went through the keyword tool, and I followed the guidelines set by 

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