Day 7 of 30 Days to Internet Success

Last Update: January 14, 2012

Hello everyone,

I have been stuck on Day 7 for a while.  I have so many things to learn - how to use social networking to get more readers, the Make Money with Wordpress training, making sure I get credit for affiliate sales, and trying to figure out the best use of my time.

I mainly do blogging and article writing.  I also go on social networking sites.  Lately, my Facebook page doesn't seem to generate very many sales.  I am getting new fans on Twitter, and I like Twitter a lot.  LinkedIn doesn't seem to be as interesting as Twitter.

I am trying to divide my time between learning WA training, social networking, commenting on other people's blogs, commenting on other people's articles, writing my own articles, and writing my blogs.

What is your favorite social networking website?  How do you use it?


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