Keywords and Attracting Traffic

Last Update: January 18, 2012

Oops!  I thought I was saving a draft with the previous post.

JatdeBeaune had a very helpful post about selecting keywords.  When I looked up "perfectionist" and "perfectionism," the article power (AP) was less than 8.0.  According to her, that was not good.

I looked up "frustration," and that was a popular topic.  I went through the whole procedure (looking at monthly global searches, checking the AP, checking the keyword competition from the keyword tool, checking the search engine for the number of quotes, and checking the search engine for the number of results.

I ended up with a title for my blog, "Coping with Frustration."  Based on JatdeBeaune's advice on keyword research, that was a good keyword phrase (I call it a phrase because it is more than one word).  Some people would call that a long-tailed keyword because it is more than two words.  Boom!  People started looking at my article.  However, I was linked to a purchase page instead of the sales page, so I might have lost some sales that way.  I quickly corrected it so people would see the sales page and have the option of purchasing the book.

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Thanks for this info. I am dog-tired tonight but will come by tomorrow and look into it more. Hope you are feeling better. Sherry M