Making progress - very slowly

Last Update: January 28, 2012

I have been slow to make progress.  I was feeling a little overwhelmed the past few weeks.  I am doing some new projects, so this week was very busy.

I am now doing volunteer work in a local church to build the Deaf ministry and to help out in their office.  I might help with publicity for their website.  I just started on Tuesday, so I will wait a while longer for feedback from people who have been working at Sandals Church before I started this week.

I am meeting Deaf people to let them know about the Deaf ministry.  I live in a small town (about 50,000 people), so I drive out of town to those events.

I am starting a news site for Deaf people in California.  I had a hard time reaching the people in New York.  I hope to get some financial compensation for it.

On top of that, I am dieting so I watch what I eat and do some exercise.  I am cutting down on some of my activities.  I am still doing WA, the blog on my website and some social networking.   I am still on Day 7, and with the help of one of my team, I improved my procedure for letting people know about my recommended product.  I don't have any sales yet.

By the way, videos and WABinars are generally not beneficial for me.  I am Deaf, and I don't like wearing my hearing aid to lipread.  Even when I do that, I miss a lot of what is on the video.

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CurtisJ75 Premium
Hello, I'm CJ and have been in college since 2009 for IT with an AA in IT (Networking), and almost done with my Software Engineering degree...point is I noticed you - well first let me say God Bless you for volunteering your time and that no affliction is permanent.:) But, I do remember a few classes back about websites having to meet all types of users standards. There may be a program that converts the audio to formatting you can interpret without your devices. Not a 100% sure if it's device free, but I know there's software that's either implemented already or just around the "technology" corner. I'll check a few things and let you know.