Posts by WRI 69
October 15, 2010
Hello fellow marketers and friends, Wes here, and today we are going to talk about the elements of success and touch on integrity. What are the real elements of success, everyone seems to have their own opinion on what they are, but what are they really? Some say hard work and determination will bring success, still others say it's who you know that gives the advantage, and I am sure we all can agree education is definitely a key ingredient to success. So what really determines what makes o
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IT'S HERE !!!!!!!! Very exciting news Sony has announced the launch of internet television today with the first TV integrated with the Google service. You can expect to see them in the market place within one to two  weeks. The series is called the NSX-GT1 and has four screen size options to choose from, 24, 32, 40 and 45 inches. The price range varies from $599 - $1399, however, a Blueray with the Google feature, model NSZ-GT1, will be offered for around $399. Because Google only build
Hello WA buddies and new members ! Here is a helpful tid bit for all the newcomers. When first entering the realm of internet marketing it's easy become overwhelmed and feel frustrated at the vast amount of information surrounding you.The enormity of this quite frankly can be mind numbing, but it doesn't have to be. First things first Just as anything else there are certain key elements to learn that lend understanding to the flow of things. For instance with algebra you have to learn what po
October 09, 2010
Recently I was faced with a situation, that on the surface seemed quite superficial, but in fact was far more complex. One which gave deep insight to human character as well as an opportunity to look at how important adding value really is. A few days ago I was patronizing a local country mom and pops convenience store, one that I have been to many times before. Because, I believe it is important to support local business when possible even if the price is a bit higher than that which major corp
October 03, 2010
We have seen the clock and we know the time. Now it's up to us to shine.. and give 101% A truly remarkable video by Man Navales
How many times do we really look at both sides of a coin, or in this instance a situation ? Allow me to relate something to you, I know you have heard of Einstein's " Theory of Relativity" ( for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction) right? Well, do you realize and understand just how much power is in that statement waiting for you to pick it up and run with it? I mean how you can literally use it to turn a negative into a positive! Think about that for just a moment. N
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October 01, 2010
Call me crazy for being a newbie wanting to promote WAU. Being one, who as a child suffered from low self esteem, I used to shy away from a challenge. Even those that what would seem to some as fundamental and necessary caused me to cringe in fear and uncertainty. Now, I'm not going to go into my life's history, but suffice it to say, in most cases I was doomed before I even started. My lack of self confidence coupled with my fear of failure usually resulted in either inaction or half heart
September 29, 2010
Lets face it, the ugly truth, the bitter pill, the harsh reality, or what ever you may wish to call it: Anything worth having requires effort and sacrifice to achieve. This should be a realization right out of the starting gate. In order to be truly successful in internet marketing just like any other worth while business pursuit one must be willing to totally invest in self , become their own vested interest so to speak. The market place is tough, in any market place, from Wall Street to your s
September 27, 2010
When I first signed in to the virtual campus at WAU,  I was instantly reminded of the first day of my freshman year at college. All the feelings of excitement at what possibilities awaited me, the feelings of awe at the vastness in how much there was to learn, the humbling feelings of seeing seniors and wondering if I could measure up, all those feelings came flooding into my being, and I must say I felt quite overwhelmed to say the least. Then I remembered orientation and how a senior