About Wyanie
Joined July 2008
Hello WA community, I am from Malaysia. I have wanted very much to work from home and earn some money After some hesitation I finally landed in a university , woosh ! WA which I think can fulfil my dream of working from home, earn money. I am eager to learn firstly on how to do IM and more...

I hope one day I can tell my friends, the mum who once worked all day long without pay, without leave can now have pocket money, morE money and go for holidays..
Wyanie's Accomplishments

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Gmaster Premium
Hi there, Malaysian here... :D hope we can strive excellent life thru WA. :D
wyanie Premium
Welcome on board, Gmaster. Im no better than you but we have landed on the right footing where gold is everywhere if you persevere in the endeavour . As a blessing, a gold for you.
Hursty Premium
Hi Wyanie!

How's it going with the plan? I just started week 2 and realizing it's easy to get distracted with not only life stuff but all the info we have to learn in this new venture. As I started week 2 I realized these guys know their business and if we keep it simple and do what they say we'll make it!

Keep in touch!

Darryl (Hursty)
Hursty Premium
Hi Wyanie,

Thank you very much! I just did my first Squidoo lens which is exciting. It still needs work, but I just wanted to get something going and "out there". Small steps! Try writing two things you have to absolutely do for your business every day. Just 2 small things that are do-able, and check them off on a list. Soon you will see things that add up to progress. They can be things like check out 2 things on the 8 week plan and see what they are about, or register at Squidoo (free). 2 things you HAVE to do no matter what. Keep in touch, I will help you. (smiles)

Darryl (Hursty)
wyanie Premium
Hey, a gold for you. Good to hear, you like self improvement and this will bring you to greater height. Good luck. !
Thanks being motivared to succeed.
dark Premium
Hi Wyanie,Welcome-All things come with dedicated effort-you will do ok
wyanie Premium
Hi, Dark, Thank you for your encouragement. I agree with you. No pain no gain. Lets make thing happens, not wait for thing to happen.
Phoenixwunin Premium
Ah.. another Malaysian. You've been here for quite some time I see. :)

Great to know you.. have a good day..

C ya around :)
wyanie Premium
Hi Faiz
Thanks for dropping in. You are very positive. Work towards your dream, you can do it. Not to forget to show
me your dream car. Good LUCK. A piece of gold for you.
Dennis Premium
Hey Wyanie how are you hows your progress so far, my best intereset are vouched on you to become a successful internet marketer and even better make some cash. need any assistance we are ready to help you big time.
Me too my dreams are to make money working from home, one thing i do know is that "OUR DREAMS ARE MORE OF A REALITY THAN WE HAVE EVER IMAGINED THEM TO HAVE BEEN" success wyanie
Dennis Premium
Hey there thanks for the gold have some from me too.
wyanie Premium
Hey Dennis,

Thanks for your concern. I am new to the internet environment. I have tried to start IM but put off half way cos I don't understand some technical term to enable to move forward . So.... got to read and learn more. I have been away from home and have to put extra effort to make ip thise lessons I missed. I am scheduled to Week 4 presently.
wyanie Premium
Hi Dennis

How's the going? I completed the 8-week course and yet to make my presence in the Forum but have no idea the way to get in. I need help. Wish you success.