Posts by Xploringsuccess 12
July 13, 2010
A great way to practice what we learn here is to sell stuff on Ebay.  Of course, make sure that: You have the right to sell it It is something that you actually want to sell If nothing else, it takes us out of our minds and keeps us from over-thinking this IM thing.  It's really easy to over-analyze this with so much information right in front of us.  Another thing: in the top right corner of each of those wonderful home screen "modules" (like "hot Clickbank items,
June 18, 2010
I am pleased to announce that my passport drama is (finally) behind me.  My U.S. passport arrived in the mail today and I am too ready to put it to use.  Next step is my visa application (Brasil).  And I still have 12 days to make my first sale which I am putting out there to keep myself accountable.  I am here to make money at some point.  Really lovin' the community here though.  Wouldn't trade it for anything.
June 10, 2010
Fake it till ya make it. Just do it . Just do "you." People have done a lot more with a lot less. You can say just about anything without upsetting or offending anyone too severely... if you smile while saying it. Smiles and laughs are contagious, but so are negativity and self-doubt. Pay it forward. The more generous I am the more prosperous I become. Fear of losing money will keep you from making any. Instead of thinking "I can't" figure out "how can I." That's al
1 comment
The saga continues. As I dutifully gather all of my (old news!) information to prove my identity to the passport office I feel a real itch to get back into internet marketing with a vengeance. Good to know that I actually love it. My goal of achieving my first sale this month is still reachable. Well I'm back to my paperwork. Good times.   Oh yeah RIP Gary Coleman (I know he wasn't on the show "Good Times" just thought of him...)  
June 08, 2010
Anyone out there had their U.S. passport application delayed because the identification provided "is not sufficient for passport purposes?" So the birth certificate with the seal and the TN driver's license are not sufficient... To add to the joy I have to fill out some questionnaire accounting for my whereabouts and detailed work history over the last 10 years.  In addition I have to dig up obscure documents like old school transcripts, yearbook photos, selective service registra
I just got off the phone with a good friend of mine.  I hadn't seen or spoken to him in about a week, so we had a little catching up to do.  When asked what I had been up to I started telling him about how busy I was with learning about  Internet Marketing, how I had discovered something truly awesome in WAU, and how the membership price was about to rise--dramatically.  I told him about how many certifiably smart people are making good money with this, the supportive networ
June 01, 2010
For those of us who still have to punch a clock at a soul-sucking retail (specialty grocery) job that we simply hate and are just thiiiiis close to quitting...imagine for a moment that you didn't hate the job, and you were treated with respect and not worked to the gristle...but it was still a nowhere job that kept you away from worthwhile pursuits (like WA!)   My point? When given lemons, be reminded that you really want some sweet organic oranges, heck maybe even a mango.   &nb
The only reason I am posting this blog entry is so that I don't spend too much time not writing.  The more you write the easier it is for you to produce copy on-the-fly, which you will need to do to truly capitalize on the infinite, super-awesome opportunities to make money online. This is practice in the way that a stand-up comedian tries out new material somewhere in the course of his act.  Either it works or it does not.  What is important is to not spend too much time thinking
May 28, 2010
I am sure that many of you already know about this great free application that runs in your background and tracks how you spend your time on your computer. What attracted me to this program?  I don't have a manager to keep me on task.  I start out with a fire in my belly and good intentions, but about an hour into whatever I'm working on, I want to go over to Reuters and see what's happening in the world (especially the oil spill, eek!) then there's Huffington Post, my email, Amazon...
May 20, 2010
in the middle of writing a rant about clickbank i figured out another niche to market to.  lemons into lemonade? sorta.