The Old-Fashioned Way, You Say?

Last Update: June 02, 2010

I just got off the phone with a good friend of mine.  I hadn't seen or spoken to him in about a week, so we had a little catching up to do.  When asked what I had been up to I started telling him about how busy I was with learning about  Internet Marketing, how I had discovered something truly awesome in WAU, and how the membership price was about to rise--dramatically. 

I told him about how many certifiably smart people are making good money with this, the supportive network of friends, the forum, all the training materials, the testimonials, and so on...

I set up his interest in an internet opportunity using good old-fashioned word-of-mouth.  What a concept!  I was reminded of it's power and simplicity.  I will launch no campaign without it.

I am still out there fishing for my first sale.  June will be the month in which this happens.  You read it here first.  

I will let you all know how it works out with my friend.  This guy is shrewd and "genius" smart. I can't imagine that he'd pass on an opportunity  like this, especially since his friend has clearly "bought in. " 


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