If I Can't Vent Here...

Last Update: June 08, 2010

Anyone out there had their U.S. passport application delayed because the identification provided "is not sufficient for passport purposes?"

So the birth certificate with the seal and the TN driver's license are not sufficient...

To add to the joy I have to fill out some questionnaire accounting for my whereabouts and detailed work history over the last 10 years.  In addition I have to dig up obscure documents like old school transcripts, yearbook photos, selective service registration cards, old work id's, medical records, and whatever else, spanning a wide range of time (like 5 years old at least).

Who keeps old documents like those around anymore?  I threw out my yearbooks years ago (bad memories).  Identity theft specialists recommend shredding most of what is included on the passport office's "personal identification list."

Maybe I need to contact a state representative and ask him "what the heck?"

Not whining as much as seeking insight and possible strategies/shortcuts.

Gotta love bureaucracy...



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AndreErasmus Premium
Big Brother is watching or trying to anyway. We have similar stuff here in Africa, but not too well enforced all it takes is a bribe here and there and off you go. Our bank has lost our FICA documents for the third time and that really gets to me. I hate bureaucracy!!!
NEA03 Premium
Wow, I can't believe their asking for yearbook photos! WT!
xploringsuccess Premium
From what I've read online from other unhappy applicants if my driver's license is less than 6 months old (mine is for this address but not this state) then I have to provide all this other "stuff." That makes no sense. I figure it will take less time to "play along" and fill out this ridiculous form (they already have my dough anyway) than it would to find someone there with some common sense. I am glad I started this process early I don't go to Brasil until October but what a pain...thanks for the moral support everyone.
jatdebeaune Premium
Wonder why they're giving you such a run around. I don't even know where my birth certificate is. They're so sloppy where it counts and nit picking where it's not required. Hope at the end of all this, you're going to take your passport on a fun vacation to an exotic land.
Jamie Smith Premium
Please feel free to vent away, gotta love bureaucracy!