Don't Forget Ebay

Last Update: July 13, 2010

A great way to practice what we learn here is to sell stuff on Ebay.  Of course, make sure that:

  1. You have the right to sell it
  2. It is something that you actually want to sell

If nothing else, it takes us out of our minds and keeps us from over-thinking this IM thing.  It's really easy to over-analyze this with so much information right in front of us.

 Another thing: in the top right corner of each of those wonderful home screen "modules" (like "hot Clickbank items," etc.) there is an "X."  This is the universal symbol for "get this out of my face, it is cluttering my mind." 

I recently put all 14 of my "modules" back into their folder, and out of my face.  Now when I log in to WAU the first thing I see is a nice, nearly squeaky-clean home screen which allows me to commence my daily IM adventure from a more tranquil (translation: productive) place.

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xploringsuccess Premium
True. In this case I am relocating and am selling some of my old and otherwise irrelevant stuff to raise some "fundage." Good advice, tho.
aRBie Premium
Actually you should use what you learn here not to sell on eBay but to promote what's on eBay through their affiliate program. You can make far more money without ever having to ship anything.