Learn to Love the B Zone

Last Update: April 23, 2012

What Up?!

Just wanted to share with you guys something I learned this weekend. 

So I was at church and our pastor was talking about why we give up on stuff that means something to us.  He talked about everything from marriages, to businesses, school, or whatever our dream may be.

He said everything starts in the A Zone where you are happy and excited as a pig in slop.  You're all excited about the possibility of this new thing and all it could become.

Then he said the A Zone always comes to an end and you hit the B Zone.  The B Zone is where problems and obstacles hit.  It's also where people typically give up because stuff gets hard and it's much easier to just chase another A Zone again.

Most people stay in that cycle of chasing A Zones which a never ending cycle of highs and lows.  And the worst part is that you never get to the promise that you are ultimately after and that you were all excited over in the A Zone in the first place. 

The key is getting comfortable with and settling into the B Zone.  It's understanding that the challenges and obstacles of the B Zone aren't termination points, but turning points.

And if you can make it past those turning points, you'll one day find yourself in the C Zone also known as the Celebration Zone.   This is where you finally see your dream come to pass, understand the process, and have the courage to do it all again with the knowledge that if you don't give up, you are destined to win.

So I'm learning to love the B Zone.  That's where I am right now.  Sometimes I have to twist my arm to love it.  But it's the only way I'll get to the C Zone, so  here I go. 

B Zone activities for the day - Wrote two blog posts.

Are you in the B Zone?  What do you do to stay on course?

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warriorprincess Premium
Wow. Thanks for making my day \_(^.^)_/
angelle Premium
And thank you for making mine with your comment! :-)
Labman_1 Premium
I'm surrounded by B-zones. And am up to the challenges. Challenges are what make you really feel alive. Each one provides it's own little C-Zone when solved. I'm guessing your pastor had a different celebration in mind but that's for later.
B zone can be a struggle but you have to get through it
Behealthy Premium
I think once you understand that life will throw obstacles, you will or should then be able to work out how to best handle those obstacles in time. Knowing that obstacles WILL come will set you up mentally in a way that will become second nature to tussle and over come them. I think most people do not think HOW to do that and so end up starting over again (A zone) with something new and never actually dealing with what was in front of them; essentially running away.
angelle Premium
Agreed. I think that in the end, it feels worse to have the unfinished projects than it does to work through the obstacles.