My WA Confession

Last Update: April 18, 2012

OK, I’m going to out myself right here right now with my three truths about me and my journey here at WA. 

Warning---It’s  gonna be a long post, so get ready.  :-)


  1. I’ve been a member since September 2009.  (I’ll give you a little back story here)
  2. I’ve made some money but not nearly as much as what I should have by this time (here’s where I really get to talking)
  3. Why I’m still here (I’ll say some more here)
  4. Now what? ( here’s where I’ll talk about my next steps)

Here Since 2009

For almost as long as I’ve been a working adult, I’ve been looking for a way to get out of the typical work life that most people live.  Whether it’s a 9 to 5, seasonal, shift work, or whatever…in most cases you have someone to report to.

You’ve got to request time off to spend with your family, to go to the doctor, so on and so forth.  Someone tells you when to go to work and when you can go home.

For some, that may be cool.  But for me, it’s like wearing a bridle.  The job keeps you chomping on the bit.   And instead of a carrot, a paycheck is dangled in front of you to keep you going.
Now, honestly, I’ve been blessed during my work life to have great employers as well as co workers (for the most part)  :-)

I guess I probably needed it to keep going.

But there has always been that nudge inside of me to seek more.  I started looking for something in 2007 after having my first child.  Something about having a child really pushed me to want to find a way to live better so I could pass that on.

Nothing really seemed to fit for me until after I had my second child in 2009.  I had just come off of maternity leave and was feeling sad about having to go back to work and send my child to daycare. 

Again, don’t get me wrong.  We are blessed with a wonderful caregiver for our child so I do have the peace of mind of knowing my kids are in good hands.  But I still wish I had the choice for those hands to be mine if I wanted them to. 

You know what I mean?

That was when I found Travis and the Bum Marketing Method (shout out to Travis! :-) )  I tried it and it actually worked!  I made about $80 bucks over a few days using his method. 

I was hyped then!!

Then while learning to do Squidoo, I stumbled upon PotPieGirl.  I loved her style and her simple approach to marketing.  She became and still is my internet marketing  SHE-ro. 
And between the two of them, I found WA! 

That brings me to part two…

It’s 2012 and I’ve Not Made Much Progress

Here’s the confession part….

Three years later and I haven’t made much progress and it’s all my fault. 

I admit it. 

I place the blame squarely on my shoulders where it belongs.

Here’s what had happened.  :-( 

Shortly after my initial success, life got crazy.  I mean isn’t that how it always goes when you start seeing some light at the end of the tunnel??

My blood pressure, which has always been normal up until that point, shot thru the roof and it scared the heck out of me.  So I went through the whole process of denial and then learning to accept the fact that I was going to have to make some changes and get on medication (which I hated with a passion).

It didn’t help that I had about 40lbs of baby weight that I could not get off after baby number two.   So now with high blood pressure looming, it was even more important that I figure out how to loose it.

And just cause I needed some more stuff to deal with…. *sighs*…I started getting ringing in my ears and some of the worst back and neck pain I’ve ever had in my life!

So in short, I was dealing with:

  • High blood pressure
  • Being overweight
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Back pain
  • Caring for a toddler and a newborn and being a wife
  • Trying to start a new career (internet marketing)
  • Working my regular job
  • And trying not to drop my basket (meaning keep my sanity) :-)

The good news is… :-)

  • I lost the weight 
  • Got my blood pressure under control
  • My ears still ring but it’s manageable and quieter than it used to be
  • Back pain is gone and MRI showed nothing abnormal
  • Survived the baby days
  • Kept my husband (he loved me even when I acted like a nut)
  • Kept my job
  • And I still got my basket (thank GOD!)

But something had to give right?  And guess which one did??  

Yep…internet marketing.

Here’s what some might call the weird, or even stupid part….

Why Am I Still Here???

No success, so why didn't I end my membership?

I was back inside WA every now and then.  Checking out stuff, trying something here and there. 


I thought about ending my membership, but something kept me here.  Something about internet marketing and something about WA felt right and continues to feel right.

I remember thinking about stuff that I wish they added to the site and then seeing it happen.  For instance, I remember wishing I could look over the shoulder of someone like PotPieGirl while she worked.  Getting to be her apprentice like the dude in her One Week Marketing course did.

Then here came Jay with the WAbinars where all of us get to do just that!

So I started watching the WAbinars.  Participating when I could, but grateful for the recordings so I can watch them whenever it works for me.

Then I remember wishing that Jay would show us soup to nuts how he does his niche sites.  Low and behold, here came the Case Study WAbinar series.  :-)  Funny  how stuff progresses eh?

Cool.  So Now What?

First of all, I’m staying here at WA. 

Second, I’m on a quest to be Jay Jr.  :-)

I’m apprenticing with Jay via the WAbinars.  He doesn’t know it.  He has no idea that I’m his apprentice.  (Well maybe he’ll know after this.)  :-)  But even if he doesn’t, I’m just going to peek over his shoulder via the WAbinars and implement on my own sites.

As a matter of fact, I’ve already done it on a couple mini niche sites I just built.  Here’s what’s happened so far following Jay’s method.

Site 1

  1. 4/12 launched site.  Not listed in SERPS
  2. 4/13 completed site setup.  Listed in the SERPS
  3. 4/14 ranked #4 in the SERPS
  4. 4/15 some traffic and clicks on links
  5. 4/17 ranked #3 in the SERPS. 
  6. 4/18 added more content & email address capture for list building.  Did some bookmarking.  #3 in the SERPS

Site 2

  1. 4/16 launched and completed initial setup.  Ranked 27 in SERPS (did the work in the AM and was listed by that night!)
  2. 4/17 ranked #27 in SERPS.  Did some bookmarking.
  3. 4/19 ranked #19 in SERPS

I’m rolling with this until the wheels fall off! 

Everyday I’m doing something to keep my biz moving forward.  Every day I do something towards my goal is a victory.  And one day I’m going to wake up to living on my own terms.

So what’s changed?

  1. I’m not chasing success anymore.  I’m chasing GOD and peace.   I’m counting on him to give me the drive to do what I need to do so HE can bless it.  My part is to believe and be led by HIM and receive from him everything that I need.  HE is in charge of success and blessings.
  2. I’m not making excuses anymore.  We make time for the things that matter.  GOD matters, I matter, my family matters, and my purpose matters.  So that’s what I’m making time for.
  3. I’m turning my focus away from me with my marketing and learning to focus on how I can use my sites to bless other people.  To some it may sound silly, but you CAN bless someone with a product review if it helps someone make an informed decision on how to best spend their hard earned money.

That may sound preachy to some, but I'm just being honest about what works for me.

How long will my “reformation” last?

If I depend on me, probably not long.  But if I lean on faith……'s the limit!

So why am I telling you all of this?

I guess I just needed to say it so I can let it go and move on.

And what better place than among people who I believe can relate.  People who may have gone through or be going through the same thing.

There’s no shame in messing up.  I’m sure I’ll have some setbacks along the way “post-confession”. 

The real shame is in quitting. 

Cause it would be a shame to miss out on what’s waiting for me (and you too!) not just at the end of the journey, but every step along the way.

Will you ever hear from me again?  LOL!!

Well, this confession is the  first step for me being more engaged here at WA. 

I think there’s a reason why I could never let my membership lapse.  Don't know exactly what that is yet, but I'm sure I'll find out.

I’m also planning to use this space as a journal. 

My goal is at least one post a week.  I think it will help keep me on track and keep me motivated as well.  Cause I know I’ll have you guys going…”Hellooooo…didn’t’ she say she was going to post WEEKLY????”

So feel free to follow me and check on my progress with my “Jay Jr secret spy apprenticeship”.  

*Don’t tell Jay I’m peaking over his shoulder………shhhhhh!* *wink wink*  :-)

What do I expect from you??  !!SURPRISE!!

Yes, I have some expectations of  ==>> YOU!

I hope to….

  • Learn with you
  • Grow with you
  • Be encouraged by you
  • Encourage you
  • Get a kick in the pants when I need it
  • Return the favor when you need it
  • Have fun!

And just carry on the spirit of WA and do what WA’ers do! 

The End - I know!...Finally right??!!!

So that’s it!  My confession in a big ole nut shell!

A big, gigantic thanks to all of you who actually took the time to read all of this!  You are most awesome!

Skimmers, I appreciate all of you too!!  :-)

I wish all of you the very best that life has to offer.   I pray that all of you will do all you were born to do, be all you were born to be, and have all you were born to have.

Be you & Be blessed!

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magistudio Premium Plus
Busted! ;)
"Jay Jr secret spy apprenticeship.."
That is awesome!
I welcome you to my shoulder and feel free to model away!

P.S. You rock for taking action.
Deezdz Premium
you have an entire army of secret spy/wanna be Jay Jr's my
Labman_1 Premium
Don't you know by now that Jay's ankle bracelet goes off whenever someone mentions his name. hehe
the filbert Premium
ok everyone in unison sayyyyy :JAYYYYY!!! watch him twitch!!
angelle Premium
LOL!! I'm caught! Thanks a bunch Jay! Super excited about the journey. This is gonna be FUN!!!
Labman_1 Premium
Thanks for sharing that Angel. I'm sure many of us go through similar circumstances. I'm glad you have your health issues under control and 2 lovely little ones to keep you grounded. If you don't do this for yourself then do it for them.

I have my foot all wound up ready to give you some incentive if you need it. I'd rather just offer support. Which ever you need feel free to ask.

angelle Premium
Thanks a million Labman! My girls really keep me inspired. More than anything, I want to pass a way of living on to them that will let them have the freedom to live the life of their dreams. That's the gift I want to give to them.
Deezdz Premium
Hi Angelle...great post and great courage to tell all!

Now I'm going to give you a kick in the pants because you said I!

YOU DID NOT MESS UP! When I read how you worded that I thought OMG!

In your words : "You were dealing with
High blood pressure,
Being overweight
Ringing in the ears
Back pain
Caring for a toddler and a newborn and being a wife
Trying to start a new career (internet marketing)
Working my regular job
And trying not to drop my basket (meaning keep my sanity) :-)"

As my sister likes to say, our plates are only so big and you can only pile so much on them. Stop being so hard on yourself!

Give yourself credit for:
Remaining a WA member
Checking in when you had the time
Learning when you were feeling well enough to do so
and most importantly...never giving up on your dream!

It's sounds like you're ready to work on your dream and turn it into a go girl!!!

Dee =)
angelle Premium
OK, you got me getting all misty eyed now! I never felt so good about a kick in the pants before! LOL!! Thank you soooo much for the kind words and encouragement. It means so much! This is one of the things I love so much about WA.
muskyblood Premium
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Angelle! It takes courage to do what you did, and I think it is awesome!

After reading about the things you persevered, I feel strongly that you will make your IM dreams a reality. I wish you the best moving forward, and I enjoyed reading this.

angelle Premium
Thanks a bunch for your comments and encouragement! All the best to you as well!
urn357 Premium
Great post that everyone can relate to. We are all human and we all have our ups and downs and we all have to find ways to get through them while at the same time having a goal in mind to do better for ourselves. Hard to do if you really think about it, but if you don't have some sort of goal in mind then we'll always stay stuck in the rut. Truly can get to you so why dwell on it and get depressed when you can be optimistic to try, never give up, and do better. Life is way too short to work 9-5 for 30 years or more while at the same time having to answer to someone above you. It might just be me, but I don't want that either! Don't get me wrong I LOVE my job just because i have a LOT of time off. Over 4 months to be exact (school teacher) But it still rocks to have a dream. :)
angelle Premium
I totally agree. Dreams make life worth living!