Making Believe that I Am a Full Time Internet Marketer

Last Update: May 03, 2012

Hey all!

When I was a kid, I used to play pretend with stuff like what you see in the picture.  I still pretend, but what I pretend has evolved.  :-)

I'm off from work today.  Kids are at school so the house is quiet and I'm doing one of my favorite quiet-off-day activities. 

I'm pretending I'm a full time internet marketer!

How do I do this??  By doing what I imagine I will when I become a full time internet marketer.  Stuff like...

  • Checking my sites
  • Making some tweaks
  • Checking my rankings
  • Writing some content
  • ETC

I really love days like this!

No shoes, no make-up, a view of the neighborhood outside my window.  I can look out and see the clouds.  And I'm doing what I love.

I'll make some plans for what I want to do tomorrow (yes, I'm off again.  WOO HOO!!)

Dinner will be ready with time to spare.  I'll actually be home when it's time to pick up the kids. 

It's peaceful, it's flowing, it's life as I want to live it. 

Days like this remind me why I'm in this to win.   And they motivate me to keep on going.

Just noticed someone trying to infringe on my rankings with their own little niche site....well IT"S ON NOW!!  LOL

Anyway, just saying hey while I pretend my way into making days like this into my new reality.

Have a great day folks!



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kyle Premium Plus
This is not a far fetched way of achieving things. I use to pretend (envision) myself driving a nice car one day when I was rolling around in my Chevy Sprint (my first car). If you cannot see yourself every achieving something, then chances are you will never achieve it.

I can tell you that being a full time IM'er is everything it is cracked up to be....perhaps not the beach you dream of, but it allows you to visit those beaches much more often and allows you to be connected more often (which tends to be a good thing when you enjoy what you are doing).

I believe in you WILL be full time one day.
angelle Premium
Thanks so much for the encouragement. I spent so many years thinking that seeing is believing. Now I think believing is seeing. :-)
kyle Premium Plus
Great statement and I have to agree with it. You can't innovate if you have to "see" first, so "believing is seeing" is the much more appropriate statement.
Labman_1 Premium
My dad used to throw us a what if scenario, ultimately they were just letting us know that this was coming whether we wanted it or not. Usually it was an awesome experience. So, what were a full time marketer.
angelle Premium
Yes! When I was studying creative writing back in college, they used to have us use "what if" as a story starter. Guess it works as a place to kick of dreams too!
TduhT182 Premium
funny, I was thinking of a "fake it till ya make it" article yesterday!. Good one
angelle Premium
Deezdz Premium
Fake it until you make it!

Everything "that is" came to be because it was once a thought. a vision, a creative energy..I don't want to get to woohoo here... but this is creation at it's finest.

ps - I like the pic you used ;)
angelle Premium
Thanks! Reminds me of my toys as a kid.
Jamie Smith Premium
A strong compelling vision like what you are doing today will continue to pull you forward. Props for taking action, that is awesome!
angelle Premium
Thanks Jamie! Right now, I'm most excited about the fact that I'm taking action pretty much everyday. Some days I get more done than others, but I'm always moving forward.